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Automatic pipetting machines

Microlab Prep pipetting machine

• Automatic pipetting and dispensing system set by touch screen, without the need for a computer
• Pipetting volume from 0.5 µl to 1 ml
• Wide range of accessories available to suit your needs
• Applications: PCR/qPCR mix preparation, NGS library preparation, serial dilution, aliquot and sample standardisation
• Liquid level detection with integrated sensors to avoid pipetting errors

PlateMaster semi-automatic pipetting machine

96 and 384 well microplate pipetting system for fast, easy and reproducible pipetting.

Lambda EliteMax automatic pipetting system

• Semi-automatic pipetting machine
• Applications : préparation de mix PCR/qPCR, purification de produits PCR, dilutions en série, purification des acides nucléiques, préparation et distribution d'échantillons
• Touch screen interface control
• 2 têtes de pipetage, monocanal et 12 canaux, pour garantir la flexibilité et la rapidité de pipetage
• Pipetting volume from 1 to 200 µl
• Compatible with associated Corning tips
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